Haninge Kulturhus - Konstverkstan

2022 JUNE
Art workshop working with metal, vinyl and clay.

2021 JULY
Art workshop working with maskdesign and storytelling

2020 AUGUST Art workshop working with various crafts and art in the public space

2019 AUGUST Art workshop at working with sculpture and various casting techniques

2018 OCTOBER Textile workshop with organisation Kompis Sverige

2018 OCTOBER Jury for the exhibition Haningesalongen

2018 AUGUST Art workshop at The culture house in Jordbro working with gerilla textile

2018 JULY Art workshop working with gerilla textil

2018 MAY Textil workshop at Tulpanfestivalen

2018 FEBRUARY - PRESENT Art pedagoge at Konstverkstan in Haninge Culture house

Art pedagoge at Konstverkstan in Haninge culture house, working with various workshops since 2018.


Arkivet för temporär konst - curator


Symester Deluxe